Here it is… the 2008 world’s most powerful celebrities list put together by none other than Forbes‘. This impressive list is compiled using several measures above and beyond the amount of green these stars are pulling in. Factored in with earnings are media metrics such as Google hits, press, television and radio mentions as well as the number of top consumer magazine covers the stars snag.
This Forbes list covers the time frame of June 2007 to June 2008. Some celebrities are likely earning more than is listed below but for this poll, all monies must be earned in the sports and entertainment arena.
Check out the top 20 celebrities below. Angelina Jolie’s third place spot on the list shows that her star power far exceeds her earnings over the past 12 months and she is more popular than her partner Brad Pitt.
1. Oprah Winfrey $275
2. Tiger Woods $115
3. Angelina Jolie $14
4. Beyonce Knowles $80
5. David Beckham $50
6. Johnny Depp $72
7. Jay-Z $82
8. The Police $115
9. J.K. Rowling $300
10. Brad Pitt $20
11. Will Smith $80
12. Justin Timberlake $44
13. Steven Spielberg $130
14. Cameron Diaz $50
15. David Letterman $45
16. LeBron James $38
17. Jennifer Aniston $27
18. Michael Jordan $45
19. Kobe Bryant $39
20. Phil Mickelson $45
To see the rest of the list check it out here at Forbes.
Photo Source: WENN
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